Easter 2016 

I’m sitting here in Ohio, with my son and parents. I can’t help but think about my flight home tomorrow. My baby being old enough to fly the nest and take the world on by himself. 

There’s no little putter patter of feet on the floor. I have literally made myself sick over this. Yes, the 3 minions are home, but this is MY baby. 

I left his Easter basket at home. I feel like a horrible mother for doing so. I just can’t fight this dreaded feeling. I know his story is beginning, but I feel ours is ending. There was no Easter service. Just cherishing memories as the change happens. All my friends are posting pictures of their lil ones & my heart aches. 

Waking up this morning, the panic attack snuck in. What am I going to do? Who is going to sit with him while his nosebleeds won’t stop? Who’s going to remind him to balance his checkbook? To do laundry? 

And this morning, I feel the cyclical vomiting monster starting to show its ugly head. I’ve had a lot of near-misses, but not a full episode since November. 

I’ve got my immediate family all on natural supplements. I’ve gone from 13 prescriptions a day, down to 2. 

I’d love to share my story with you, this might allow me to heal. 

Check out my site, the supplements are phenomenal. The skinny wraps, speaks for themselves. 


Or comment below with what areas you need help with! 

New beginnings part deux! 

We’ve moved again! It’s never ending! But this time, it’s our forever! Yay! 

There’s been a lot going on at Casa de Hall…. Lots of changes! 

Our oldest decided to stay in Alabama 😞😞 Doesn’t make mama too happy, but it’s time for her lil bird to fly! And we are only 45 minutes away! 

Our oldest minion, started school today and already has a neighborhood friend! Excited for that! 

The two youngest, we are having to petition another school district to allow tuition based transfer. We’ve never dealt with this before, our meeting is tonight with the school board. Fingers crossed that they accept them! 

I have been notified by SSA that I can work part-time, that they feel this is OK with Cyclical Vomiting. Never mind the meds that have that huge warning sign : do not operate heavy machinery. 

With that in mind, I have relaunched with ItWorks! They believe in all that I do. Health and Wellness. Their supplement line is Ahhhhmazing! Best known for their “skinny wraps”. 

Since being on the supplements, I’ve been able to reduce my appointments and medications. My body feels 100% with less pharmaceutical toxins! 

My website is easy, amyskye99.myitworks.com or AmysItWorks!

You can also text me: 228-669-7375 for more details! 

Another New Beginning! 

Seriously! Who gets sooo many new beginnings!!?? 

Some say, ” y’all move too much”.  We say, who are you to say? I’m a military brat, moving is second nature! BUT- this move has kicked my butt!  I’m getting too old for this! 

Excitedly, the kiddos are happy and ready to start their new schools. We chose to move during Mardi Gras, while they had some days off! 

2016 has started nicely for us, hope that uphill momentum stays! 

Not-So Happy ” Gotcha Day”

In the adoption or long-term foster family, there’s celebrations. Mainly ” Gotcha Day”. This day is the day that the adoption was final or the day the foster kids entered the home. 

Today is our Gotcha Day. At 11:53 tonight, the social worker dropped our 3 minions off at our house. A little compact car, kids stuffed between garbage bags full of molded clothes and a book bag with clean clothes. 

Dropped them off with no paperwork signed with ” I’ll be back in the morning to finish the paperwork”. The garbage bags we immeadiately placed in the garage and contents of the book bags in the washer. Thankfully we had been told they wouldn’t be any belongings sent and we had clothes shopped prior. We spent about 30 minutes giving a house tour and chatting with the minions and lined them up for showers and bed. 

As I’ve wrote about before, our minions are family. Estranged family, but family none the less. We had met them maybe twice, and it had been over a year since we had seen them. That night and the following days were dedicated to reintroducing each other and getting accustomed to our house. 

It has been a rough few years. The difference of parenting or lack of, raging hormones, behaviors that were being taught and kids that just needed to feel safe; has been a challenge. But, there’s no place else they need to be. 

Today is the day, the minions got a new beginning, we gained a houseful and we all learned how much we needed each other. 

But, today is not a day of celebration. My minions were old enough to hold memories. Memories that haunt them every single day. Broken promises, over & over again from bios. And they yearn for a steady relationship with them. They yearn to feel like they weren’t forgotten by them. 

Today, we will relax and recoup from a weekend at Vortex Springs. Where the oldests minions learned more about scuba diving and how NOT to make smores on the grill. 😁 Memories that won’t haunt them.  

 A day at the beach in January 2015 

My Cyclic Vomiting Syndrome Story

🙌🏽 perfectly written, from one warrior to another

Fifty Thousand Miles

*Warning: This post gets graphic, and gross. Please read at your own caution.*

    Picture this: You wake up one morning with a sore throat, and you’re already stressed because life just throws you stress from time to time.  You spend the whole day hoping, that you’re not going to catch a cold, and you go to bed that night thinking you’re going to be sick with the flu the next morning.  The next morning when you wake up you have nausea.   This nausea is NOT like nausea from a flu, it’s complete and sheer agony.

     According to the Cyclic Vomiting Syndrome Association; Cyclic Vomiting Syndrome (CVS) is “an unexplained disorder of children and adults. The condition is characterized by recurrent, prolonged attacks of severe nausea, vomiting, prostration with no apparent cause. In some there is severe abdominal pain. Vomiting occurs at frequent intervals for hours or…

View original post 563 more words

And life will go on???

Things are gearing up to Mr. heading back to Texas in a few weeks. Just as we finish up our sons 18th birthday and the oldest minions 15th birthday. It’s been soo nice having him here, we’ve all fallen back into a semi-normal routine( is that possible with 4 kiddos?).  While I miss having the bed to myself, it’s better having him next to me. He calms my high anxiety, brings me back to earth when I go bonkers….. AND….. pretty much has let the kids do WHATEVER they want while he’s been back… No Bueno!

We have always butted heads with our different parenting skills. These poor minions have a rude awakening when/if he goes back.

And, I will cry. Like a baby… full-out ugly cry. I don’t want to do this alone. And I shouldn’t have to. Is it my fault? His? No. We are just 2 parents that want the absolute best and absolute safety for our kids.

The other night, I had a dream… quite weird for me. Ms. Diva and I were dress shopping…. like full ball gown dress. She’s entering the 7th grade. I know the time is coming for more school dances, and entering high school will have homecoming and prom. And boy… does she have some EXPENSIVE taste in dresses! And, in this dream, I had a boutique in a shopping center, full of ball gowns. I woke up the next morning and applied for a tax id. I’ve been shopping for gowns and now have about 15 dresses from xxsmall to xxlarge.  The business, you ask? Fostering Formals & Boutique. Currently, there’s only a Facebook group. The gowns can be rented or purchased at discounted prices. Why the name, Fostering Formals? We took in 3 kids. With no help. And those gowns are expensive. How much easier it would be to rent a gown? To not have to fork out $300 PLUS for a gown? I plan on adding boutique clothing, as it progresses, for tweens/teen girls and ladies. I really hope this takes off. It would be a blessing for our family and begin to teach Ms. Diva about business.Right now, we are operating out of the house, I really pray it takes off and that shopping center space dream happens!

Fathers Day…. Uncles Day & The Great Disappointment

In my eyes, I have the best possible father and husband. I would not change them for anything.  As previous mentioned, June is quite a busy month in the Hall household. Birthdays, 2 anniversaries and Fathers Day.

Mr. received 99% of his gift before FD. Mainly because the items he needed were a little pricy. Today we set out to veg, That was the plan for the day, stay around the house, maybe go swimming and our son wanted to take his Dad to the movies.

Having a houseful of teens(2) and tweens(2), makes for some interesting days, attitudes and basically, a bunch of crap! Surprisingly, I’m pretty big on people being respectful. The whole ” treat people the way you want to be treated” is HUGE in my books. But, at times, I forget that I am dealing with children. Children that are still being molded, children that can be painfully hurtful with their words.

Mr. received a text this morning from J. ,she’s been in Birmingham for the week at Girl Scout Camp, a simple text telling Mr. ” Happy Uncles Day”.

Our minions are biologically our niece and nephews. Their mother and my husband have the same father but different mothers. My husband barely knew that side of the family when we got the phone call from CPS.  Their story isn’t one that CPS made a mistake and they weren’t supposed to be removed. And it wasn’t the first CPS case. CPS fully did their job and made the right decision. Not at any point, from the midnight drop off from their CPS worker, to the hoops you jump through making sure EVERYTHING is perfect for CPS, nor the Guardianship Day, are happy days. It is not a happy time. My minions were/are old enough to understand almost 99% of what was happening and what was coming. They understood and knew that during one time, their mother was lying to them. And while she came and visited more, they knew she was not being honest with them.

And then, life happens, and we told her she HAD to be honest with them. She was still with the man that CPS removed them from, the same man that refused to take any parenting courses, the same man that harmed them. Let’s throw some confetti in the air, because ……. taaaaadaaaa she’s pregnant. And the minions got the truth of all that in one evening. Months later, mom and boyfriend came down to visit… Dude seemed nice enough. BUT- we paid the repercussion of the visit. One minion had terrors and one went back to wetting the bed. Since that visit, mom has came once, alone. The visit was good, and about 2 weeks later, she delivered a healthy lil girl.

Fast forward 2 months later…. one of the minions received a message from a best friend back home, that his mother had married our minions dad. Talk about a slap in the face… And shortly after that, another message…… taaaaadaaaa! Dads new wife is pregnant. Dad has only talked on the phone once since the kids were removed by CPS. And they have to try to process all of this.

I know this is a long post. But, please… read it out…. whether you are a foster parent, have custody of family or if you are a parent that has had their kids taken away. I have a point, I promise.

We knew, taking in 3 kids was going to tough. We knew that no matter what, they love their parents fiercely. I don’t know if its just my minions or if all the older kids feel this way. It’s hard for me to wrap my mind around. To see them go to extreme measures to make sure they don’t upset their mother, constantly asking her ” how are YOU doing?” They are more concerned with her well-being than anything.

It is hard, people. It is hard to hear ” your not my mom/dad”…. to deal with the backlash after inconsistent phone calls. It’s hard to listen to the anguish of ” how can they have more kids but can’t take care of us” or ” how can they take care of someone else’s child, but not us”.

It’s hard when you are struggling to clothe and feed 4 teens, without help. It’s hard for my minions to see the parents post photos on Facebook of activities with their new “step-children”. OR asinine comments from one of them about money, child support, and the minions see that. And they want to know where the money is. Not here, darlin’ , maybe the other kids are getting it.  And we get the questions of why can’t we do that. my dearest loves, I pray nightly that we can do those things, but with our large family, we have to plan and save.

It is hard to explain how the parents can move on with their lives, have more children, get married. We just keep reminding them to pray for their parents. What else do you say when you don’t have the answers and have asked the same questions yourself?

Holidays are rough. It’s the only consistent phone call made. It makes the day rough for the minions. They will be angry, sad and somewhere inside, happy because 1) they called, 2) it’s whatever & whoevers day.

But, do you know how hard it is? How hard it is for me & Mr. ? We are here 24/7. We are the ones busting our butts to clothe and feed the 4. To try to give them the best birthday/Christmas ever. To make sure they have everything they need and 90% of what they want. And we get ” you’re not my mom/dad”…. “why won’t you let them call me”…. And we still wipe away the tears, comfort after a night terror, change the sheets in the middle of the night… Because we ARE parents. We are HUMAN. We are the ones that haven’t turned our backs on you, the ones who haven’t had a date night in 3 years.

Trust me lil minions, if we could go back to when all this started, we’d guide your parents into the right path of life. You’d still be with them. Because kids need to be with their parents, IF they would live right.  But, right now and for the next several years, you have us. Family. Not strangers, not a group home, not an old foster lady living off the check she gets.

For the extended family of the minions……. sporadic comments on FB is not helping matters. Most of the time, they ask us WHO YOU ARE. Your attempts to try to make whichever parent look good, isn’t working. The kids are not stupid. They are not babies.

Y’all, my minions need some prayer. They know everything is fine here, they need prayer to soothe their hearts, to keep praying for their parents and hopefully help them heal.

I’m so tired. My heart aches for them. I don’t always know the answers. which can be a good thing, but sometimes they need answers.

If you are a foster parent, legal guardian, kinship care provider or the parent who doesn’t have custody, each case is different, but with ours, we have to maintain contact and visits with their mother.

For the providers: Big hugs, it is not an easy road.

For the parents: your kids know more than what you think they do. Don’t pass blame, own up to your actions and apologize to your children. IF you have visitation rights( during or after rights have been terminated) be consistent. A phone call every 3-4 months doesn’t cut it. It brings up bad memories for the kids. Same with visits. Don’t lie to your kids AND to whom is caring for them. At this point, the least you can do is be honest… I know that’s a struggle.

For my parents: we couldn’t have survived this journey without you. Thank you for loving the minions as if they were your biological grands.

For Jessica & Shirley: Thank you for maintaining a role in their lives.

For Lauretta- Thank you for helping with the uniforms when the minions first came to us. You were a lifesaver

Birthdays, Anniversaries and Bacterial Sinuses?!?!?

May, June and July are quite busy in our house. We have all the minions birthdays, the Mr.s birthday, AND our anniversaries. Yes, that’s plural. 

Most people get a financial break after the holidays, we don’t. We roll from recouping to birthdays. It’s always a shock to us. It seems we can never catch a break. As the minions get older, wish lists get shorter, but more expensive. So far, the two youngest have been happy with their birthdays. Now just to wait on the older two! 

Mr. & I celebrated our remarriage anniversary on Monday and this coming Monday, we will celebrate our beginning anniversary. Technically, we should celebrate all week, but who can do that with a houseful of minions?!? 

There definitely hasn’t been too much celebrations as I have been battling a sinus infection that is bacterial. The antibiotics have been kicking my ass. I’ve slept in the recliner for 12 days now. Mainly, it causes me to have intracranial hypertension. Probably the easiest to explain is to magnify the worse headache you’ve ever had by a BAJILLION. I literally feel like my brain is going to explode. 2 more days and hopefully it will be gone; along with the antibiotics! 
For those with large families, how do you manage holidays?!? 


Exhaustion, OCD and Ramblings

It just doesn’t go hand in hand. Having OCD is a fulltime job. Having 4 kids and a husband is like 2 fulltime jobs. Heck, let’s throw in 3 dogs and autoimmune diseases. What does that equal? One exhausted Mama. 

Yesterday, we went to Gulf Islands Waterpark in Gulfport, Mississippi (http://www.gulfislandswaterpark.com). It’s a nice waterpark and not spread far out. I felt fairly safe letting the minions go about the park without constant worry. I, on the other hand, was pretty drained after 3 hours. With my body not regulating temperatures very well, the heat was a killer. Even with a storm coming in and the breeze pretty steady. By the time we got ready to leave, I was pretty nauseated. 

Did I mention my husband is here? He moved the rest of our house this weekend. I now feel like the walls are closing in. There’s not enough room for all our belongings. Every single room is packed. Do I downgrade? Do I get rid of more things that are mine? And why should I? We have moved A LOT during our 19 years together. And, it always seems I have to get rid of things. We made this move on a whim that wasn’t well planned. I’m tired of living out of totes. Or having totes stacked against the garage. I need my forever. Can you believe in 8 years, this is the 6th home we have lived in? 

We’ve made some decisions that are based off of what everyone else needs/wants. I think it’s time we made decisions for US. 

The chaos is unreal, which kicks the OCD in high gear, makes me überly moody and question how we are going to make it. 

You know that straw on the camels back? Yea, it’s really heavy 😒

Entering the Unknown

It has been a crazy 6 months that we have been back in Alabama. I had 4 kiddos that had to be enrolled in school, transcripts that wouldn’t be sent from Texas, immunizations the kids were missing( due to different state guidelines), schools that wouldn’t honor an out of state IEP/504 Plan, and the list goes on and on.  During that time, I also fell extremely ill with CVS(cyclic vomiting syndrome) and was down for almost 2 weeks. Probably one of my longest episodes. Got over that and developed an abscessed tooth. Fun! Because of the heart murmur I have, I had to be on antibiotics prior to having the tooth removed. The antibiotics were too strong and attacked my heart. Thank God for my Mama coming to stay with us. I don’t know how I would have managed being here alone with the kids and the crazy symptoms I was having. So, here I am also having to see a Cardiologist. We did all the testing on my heart, and thankfully there’s no real damage. Had 2 teeth removed and bone grafts done.

The kids have adjusted fairly well and adapted to schools here. We’ve had some issues with minion 3, but mainly because he’s been off his medication since we have been here. Switching their insurance and having to do things the states way has not been easy. Before he can even get an rx for his meds, we had to go to therapy. There’s 3 steps at this place, and its quite annoying. First, we had to see an intake specialist, this person has to make the recommendation that he sees a therapist. Of course, the therapist doesn’t prescribe medications, so after meeting with the therapist, we have to see the psychiatrist. We get to complete the 2nd step next week. Just in time for school to be out. WooooSaaaaa!!

Minion 2 is learning about drama and mean girls in middle school. There is 1 person who she keeps befriending, and another argument happens. About a month ago, this girl hacked into M2’s Instagram account and left nasty messages and deleted all of her pictures. Pictures from when she was a baby. Pictures we had to fight tooth & nail to get from their bio family members. Needless to say, I was not happy and had a LONG conversation with her mama.  About 2 weeks ago, M2 came home and asked if she was allowed to be friends with this girl again. I honestly did not know what to say. My first instinct was no…. And not just no, but hell no. I had to pause and think back to my middle school days. I told M2 that friendships come and go, that it was her decision to give their friendship another shot. And here we are tonight, with this girl threatening to fight her. Poor M3…. she doesn’t know much about defending herself, so, I sent big bro outside to show her a few moves. I pray she doesn’t have to use them, but I think she will.

Minion 1 is a typical 14 yr old, stays in his room playing games. He’s adapted really well, with minimal issues. Yay!

My bio…. My heartbeat….. also breaks my heart. He’s at a crossroad in his life. More on this later.

Some of my friends( who hopefully read these), will remember that I had to quit my job in Texas for various reasons. One of those was the fact that while the Minions were in foster care, the physician requirements and therapy, was costing me too much time off of work. Not to mention a bajillion phone calls about who did/said what at home. Moving back to Al meant I would have to return to work. The Mr. still had all bills in Texas and trying to support this house here too. After recovering from CVS and abscess tooth, I hit the job market full force. I hired in with a company that was extremely understanding with 2 different tragedies while I was in training. But, with the phone calls from the school on M3, 2 rather tragic deaths in the family, I didn’t see how I could continue,  I regretfully resigned.  Now, I’m here thinking about a part-time job, just to relieve some of that financial strain off of Mr.

While looking for part-time work, I came across an ad for some specialty schools. I have 2 that I am looking into and received notice today, that I go the next week to interview with the director. Out of the 2 schools, this one is THE one I want to attend. I won’t be able to work, as they go to class 4 days out of the week for 8 hours a day. It will be a rough schedule for the summer, if I decided to start in July, or the next set of class start in October. I’m uberly nervous, but I want this soo bad! If you’re the praying kind, please shoot a prayer up for me and that I am accepted into the program.

Big changes coming this way…. stay tuned for more!